Where Do Spiders Go in the Winter?
Spiders are cold-blooded creatures, so where do they wriggle off to when the snow flies? Read on to find out and to see whether this year’s harsh winter weather means you’ll be seeing fewer arachnids in your neighborhood.
The Short Answer: It All Depends on the Species
The U.S. and Canada are hosts to at least 4,000 known species of spider, and each one has its strategy for surviving the cold season. There are 3 basic strategies that common North American spiders use, and they are:
Option One: Stay Outside
Many spiders adapt to staying outside throughout the winter, even in the coldest areas. Some species, such as the orb weaver Araneus saevus, spend the winter in egg form and hatch during warmer weather.
Others, such as the male hackledmesh weaver (Amaurobius and Callobius sp.), overwinter as immature spiders. Still others, such as the female hackledmesh weaver, overwinter as adults.
Hackledmesh weavers seek shelter in damp, dark areas such as leaf litter… or your basement.
Option Two: Come Inside
Some spiders have learned to lean on us humans for shelter during the colder months. The hackledmesh weaver above will sometimes look for shelter outdoors and sneak indoors.
Females commonly nest in basements, especially in the fall. The parson spider (Herpyllus ecclesiasticus) seeks out structures such as barns, garages, or homes to hibernate for the winter.
Adult female wolf spiders (Hogna aspersa) seek shelter to make their winter homes, and they’re known to sneak into homes and garages to stay warm.
Option Three: Stay Inside
Some spider species have adapted to living alongside us humans for so long that they never really leave our sides. Spiders like the common house spider spend their entire life cycle in or around human-built structures and reproduce year-round.
“Not MY House, Mr. Spider!”
Some spiders sneak into your warm home during the cold weather, while others that spend winter as eggs or immature spiders may wander inside when the temperature rises and they’re on the prowl for a mate.
If you’re not open to having any 8-legged uninvited guests over for a visit, you’ll love Miss Muffet’s Revenge.
Miss Muffet’s Revenge keeps spiders away with just one spray. Inside your home, Miss Muffet’s Revenge kills spiders on contact and repels spiders for 12 months.
Outside, spray Miss Muffet’s Revenge around your home’s perimeter to form an invisible barrier that kills and repels spiders for up to 12 months. It’s like rolling out the unwelcome mat for spiders! Spider control just got simple.
So… Does the Tough Winter Mean Fewer Spiders this Year?
For most of us, probably not. Spider species living in places like the Northeast and Midwest have adapted to harsh temperatures. The extra dose of snow cover that many of us got this year serves as added insulation for spider eggs.
The only folks who at least have a chance of a slightly reduced bug population this year are those who live in areas in the South that got hit with sub-freezing temperatures where they don’t usually occur.
Some species in those areas may not have been as well prepared for the conditions and may lose some of their numbers. For more information on the different species of spiders that may be in your home, check out our article here.
Try Miss Muffet’s Revenge today, and say goodbye to unwelcome arachnids!
Photo courtesy of John.