New Uses For Old Rain Boots
We tend to be sentimental with the smallest of things, though we may find it hard to explain our attachment to them.
It is not uncommon for us to connect seemingly insignificant yet profound moments in life with everyday objects such as a special mug or a stuffed animal. Rain boots are no different.
Every parent has that fond memory of watching their adorable toddler jumping and splashing in a puddle for the first time. Or perhaps you recall an outing ruined by a sudden downpour which made you thankful for remembering to pack rain boots.
Or maybe you simply have a problem throwing things out, in which case keeping old rain boots may contribute to clutter around the house.
Fortunately, there are alternative, creative uses for old rain boots rather than simply throwing them away, allowing you to hang onto fond memories while adding a quirky twist to your home décor.
Children’s Rain Boot Pots
Your children and grandchildren are everything to you and you want to keep every memento you have of them, even if it is just rain boots. You can plant flowers in their old boots and display them on your front porch or on your back patio.
If you want to get extra creative, you can plant flowers that match the colors of the children’s birthstones. This can add a range of colors to your décor while showing the kids that you care.
Rain Boot Birdhouse
By cutting a hole in the side of the boot and nailing a couple of pieces of wood on the top for the roof, you can create a nice, cozy space for a family of birds to call home. This is an easy way to have that boot displayed at all times.
If you hang two boots next to each other, you can make bird neighbors! They can complain to each other about the lingering foot smell!
Rain Boot Bird Feeder
This fun project offers allows you to feed your avian friends rather than house them. By stringing a thread through the rear of the boot opening and the toe, you can hang the boot at just the right angle to create a slope for the seed slide down from the opening to the toe.
Then, just cut holes in the toe area so the birds can access it. You can then either use a cloth or rubber band to seal the opening or leave it open to allow birds to feast freely!
However, if you’re looking to house birds, then check out our guide on picking out the best birdhouse.
Rain Boot Doorstop or Umbrella Holder
You can easily create a doorstop out of that old rain boot simply by filling the boot with cement. Even filling it halfway and then adding a plant or some sort of filling can liven up that old boot doorstop to add some life to the décor.
How about putting them on display at the front door? They are the perfect place to store umbrellas! If you happen to need an extra pair of rain boots you’re set!
Decorating the boot is always an option and can be a fun project for you to do with your kids or grandkids!
Rain Boot Garden Tool Storage
Most people do not have a designated place to put their gardening tools, such as mini shovels, rakes, and hoes. Often, people lay then in a pile in the garage or shed or throw them in a bucket that may have other things in it.
Putting the old rain boot on a shelf in the shed or garage is a great way to easily organize and store tools. It is easily moveable and goes well with the theme of outdoors and gardening.
Even storing it in the garden may add a nice decorative value to it.
Rain Boot Party Favors
Having any kind of get-together or party in the springtime? Any old rain boots lying around? By planting a flower or small houseplant in them you can give party guests a fun decoration they can use at home.
You could also use them as goodie-filled gift bags. Using boots in either fashion will make you feel less guilty for getting them out of the house.
Whether you want to keep those meaningful old rain boots, or you simply don’t want them to go to waste, re-purposing them as creative decorations can be the perfect way to add zest to your home and clean up the space that was once cluttered.
Stop by our website to learn more about our easy solutions to everyday problems, so you can spend less time cleaning and more time decorating!
Photos courtesy of Kaz, Niftynnifer, Julie Cockman (stitchlucy), Kim@Plumberry Pie, and Kim B.