Surprise! 4 Little-Known Places where you can Use Wet & Forget Shower
You already know that Wet & Forget Shower sets you free from scrubbing your shower, bathtub, shower doors, grout, tiles, and fixtures. But did you know that Wet & Forget Shower can also work wonders on 4 little-known places in your bathroom?
Read on to discover other surfaces where Wet & Forget Shower will save you from scrubbing and get you back to enjoying your life!
1. Washing Machine
Yes, it’s true! You never thought of using Wet & Forget Shower in your washing machine, but your washer can fall victim to soap scum and grime build-up, just like your shower can. If this happens, Wet & Forget Shower is the solution! Simply spray your washer’s dry inside walls and agitator (if it has one) with Wet & Forget Shower, let it sit overnight, and run your washer’s short wash cycle up to 3 times to clear away the soap scum and grime build-up. Your washer will thank you!
2. Bathroom Sink
Soap scum and grime can accumulate on your bathroom sink pretty quickly. This can easily make it look like a real mess (see photo above). Wet & Forget Shower takes care of the mess with no elbow grease needed! Just spray your sink with Wet & Forget Shower, let it sit for a few minutes, and rinse with clean water. Problem solved!
3. Shower Curtain Liner and Bath Mat
Your shower curtain liner and bath mat both suffer from a build-up of oils and soap scum, and they can get pretty disgusting if left to their own devices. Your bath mat is a pain to bend and scrub, and it’s pretty much impossible to scrub your shower curtain liner with it hanging in the air with nothing behind it.
So do you put up with a gross bath mat and shower curtain liner, struggle to clean them, or waste money replacing them all the time?
None of the above! Wet & Forget Shower’s gentle formula is perfect for cleaning your bath mat and shower curtain liner without harming them. Just spray them at the same time you spray your shower’s other surfaces, and rinse them along with your shower. They will stay clean and looking like new!
4. Bathroom Countertops
Your bathroom countertops can also start to look pretty grimy with all the frequent use they get. To make them sparkle without scrubbing, just spray them with Wet & Forget Shower, wait a few minutes, and rinse with clean water. Voilà!
Now that you know that Wet & Forget Shower can be used in these 4 little-known places, it’s time to start enjoying your life outside of cleaning.
Photos courtesy of Pablo Ibanez.
*As with any shower cleaner, test Wet & Forget Shower on an inconspicuous area before using it for the first time. Do not use Wet & Forget shower on natural marble.
Patty Yost
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