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Not sure what gift to get Dad for Father’s Day? These thoughtful, homemade gifts are sure to make you Dad’s favorite. Read on for 5 easy DIY Father’s Day ideas for gifts that Dad will love. DIY Decorated Toolbox Gift […]

Winter days are shorter, meaning less sunlight finds its way inside your home. Winter is a great time to discover new ways to add much-needed light to dark interiors. Here’s how to brighten up your home and make it cozy […]

A garden trellis can support climbing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other plants. But trellises are more than purely functional. They also provide a decorative backdrop for outdoor greenery and, when strategically placed, can provide privacy on a patio or deck. […]

Need new decorations for the front yard of your home? Try making a DIY PVC bird! They make incredible yard decorations and are easy gifts to make for family or friends. Use our step-by-step tutorial below to guide you throughout […]

Reflect the rustic beauty of the outdoors in your home with DIY nature home décor. Add a calm, restful feeling to your home by bringing the outside in. You can easily find beautiful, natural materials while strolling your neighborhood park […]

A neat, orderly kitchen is the key to making meal preparation an enjoyable experience for you and your family. Below are five motivating DIY kitchen organization ideas to help you achieve a clutter-free noshing spot. Easily Store Big Bulky Cutting […]

Spring is officially here! Although the weather may not seem quite warm enough for spring, the Easter holiday is just around the corner. Welcome family and friends to your home with these three simple DIY Easter decorations. DIY Balloon Easter […]